Sunday, March 20, 2011

Eliana's weekend activities

Here's a few video's put together showing what Eliana did this weekend. I've been gone for the past week so it was a lot of fun to come home and see how much she's changed (obviously this is John typing, as it wouldn't work very well for Wendy to leave for a week). She gained some weight (she's now 12lbs 5oz) and is 'talking' a lot more. Most of her sentences consist of her saying 'goo'. Her neck is also much stronger and she can hold her head up a little better. She also seems to be smiling more and is more interactive.

 She's still pooping like there's no tomorrow. Last week at church during a quiet prayer she had a particularly loud poo that caused a couple people to turn and look (I think they figured out it wasn't me, but I can't be sure, she kind of threw me under the bus). I should save this post for Ellie, she'll love reading this when she's in high school.

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