Here we are at the library for Rhyme Time. I think mom is beginning to wonder why she brings me here since all I seem to want to do is ransack the bookshelves. I tear down, she chases me, and puts them back. What can I say, it is soooo fun!
Taking a juice break. All that running around and ransacking is tiring!
Relaxing on the alligator, though I think rhyme time was over by now...Below are the movies mom picked out for me. I really liked to hold them and play with the boxes, but I am just not much into watching them yet:)
Dad had a few vacation days for the Queen's Jubilee at the beginning of June, so we took a road trip to Cornwall, England. It is a popular vacation spot for the British. It is supposed to be about a 4 hr drive, but it took 6 hrs! That was a long time to be in my car seat. I was glad when we finally got there. Here I am strolling on the beach with Daddy.
This is back home at our house. I don't know why these pictures always get rearranged...
Wow, a sunny day! I think this was actually the last weekend in May. That is when we had some sun. Most of June has been very rainy!! This was along the trail at a nearby beach we checked out. It is called High Cliff, and was only about 25 minutes or so from our house. It has a beautiful castle where many weddings and such take place, and there is a nature preserve trail behind it that is beautiful! We were happy to find this all so close to us. Now if we can just get another nice day to go...
Here we are in the morning at the park across the street. It was so nice, we wanted to soak up the sun!
This is on a trail in the New Forest. This is that same weekend I think where we had some nice weather. This was a little hike we did not too far from the house. Maybe 20 min away or something...
Horses in the New Forest. They ran right by us on our trail!
There were babies too. My farm animal book from my Aunt Cristin tells me a baby horse is called a Foal.
Our hike ended in a big field where people were playing what looked like softball. I had a lot of fun being outside of my stroller, and getting to run freely:) So sunny I got to wear a sundress that used to be Lily and Lexi's.
Still prancing around the field...
Here we are back in Cornwall. We went to this aquarium because it was raining! It rained almost the whole time we were there!
Here we are at our hotel in Cornwall. This is our sitting area where I slept. Mom and Dad were happy to find a hotel room that had a separate bedroom, though it didn't have a door. Mom and dad were quiet though. I really had trouble sleeping here though. I think because there was so much light coming in from the windows. Here I am eating my dinner.
Back on the beach in Cornwall.
We went out to eat at a mexican restaurant. Mom and dad figured they haven't found much good food around here anyway, that they might as well chance it on Mexican. It was not very good. I liked mine okay, but I was pretty hungry.
This the balcony of our hotel room. Beautiful view huh? Mom and dad enjoyed sitting out there on the sunny day we had.
This is at a music festival in Cornwall celebrating the Queen's Jubilee. It was fun. There was a band so I got to dance. I love music and dancing!!
Out to dinner after the music festival. My daddy is so funny! I love him so much:)
Starfish at the aquarium.
Chilling with Daddy at the aquarium. I think I was ready to go by now...
Strolling down to the beach...
Having a snack of cheese and banana. Mom had a delicious hot chocolate and dad had a beer.
Oh how I love to play with this wrapper from the "biscuit" that came with mom's hot chocolate. It is so crinkly and fun!
I don't know what I was pointing to, but I am sure it was cool.
Soccer ball!! Okay, I LOVE balls!! I am pretty sure this was my favorite thing about the trip:)
Well, mom and dad tell me I am going to be a big sister!!! Can you believe it?? We are pretty excited. Well, I am not really sure what that means, but mom and dad seem pretty happy. My baby brother or sister is supposed arrive mid-end December.
Here I am back at my music group deal...Still don't like dressing up, but mom keeps making me...
Chilling with the big kids. This is with my new friends, Ella and Luke. Ella is one year older than me, and Luke is a big kid; he is 4. Mom and dad discovered there is another American family here in Lymington! We are all very excited. Dad met their daddy at work one day when they were both doing a practice driving lesson. They don't work together at all, so didn't know about one another. They moved here in January. Wish we had known earlier! Oh well, mom and I have been meeting up with them to go to the park in the afternoon. This a park that our friend introduced us to. It has lots of big kid equipment, so mom has to chase me around a lot:)
Here we are at our park we go to quite often. It is a 3.6 mile walk from our house, so mom can get some exercise, and then I get to play on this cool jungle gym.
Hi Mommy!
Oh my goodness, this is the coolest! I can duck down here, and see the playground. How fun is that!
I love peek-a-boo!
Back in Cornwall again...
Walking to the aquarium in Cornwall.
Fishies. Mom taught me how to make a fishy face. Well, I was really just trying to mimic what she does when we look a my fishy flashcard.
Cool, Dad!
Mom loves this picture of daddy and me. Can you blame her??
All the way here at the beach, and what I want is mom's exercise band that is always back here in the stroller. That is what I dig, okay?